Monday, October 12, 2009

Moving locations

To keep following Josie Mae and her brother henry Kent, go to

See you there!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tomorrow Brings a Baby Boy!

Its a little sad thinking that she wont be our little baby anymore....
But we have been trying to enjoy every single minute we have with her.
As you can see, her favorite moments are when she is in
Thank you so much everyone for all of our shower gifts and
AWESOME hand-me-downs.
Between all of boys that were just born last year,
and the beautiful Dorminy girls,
We have been SPOILED with wonderful clothes.

Just to put every one's mind at ease,
I'm pretty sure that we have a name picked out.
We have decided to keep it to ourselves so that we can set it in concrete.
Something about telling people our ideas and hearing everyone elses
tends to make us change our mind too much.
ha ha- Just kidding.
Thanks for all of the great ideas-
Josie is just seconds away from walking. She has taken up to 5 steps by herself,
so I figure that its right around the corner.
She was supposed to be walking, talking, and doing chores around the house by this time,
But I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer.
We have been working very hard on our new house lately.
Just trying to get the big bulk of it taken care of before the new baby gets here.
But we have found that home owning is CONSTANT work.
But we like it!
This is Kent's latest project.
Our beautiful new path to our front door.
I love it love it!
And this is how Ive nested this time-
Working on this silly garden.
I know it doesn't look like much,
But you should of seen it a couple of months ago.
I'm not my brother- but I'm proud!
So Anyway-
Tomorrow is the big day for baby boy.
I have been more than ready!
Ive been in pain just for the past 2 days.
I just feel like he is too big for my little body.
BUT- besides that- all has been great.
Thank you EVERYONE for all that you have done,
And we will talk to you soon.
Love- The Summers

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My family has to take care of me this summer...

My mom and dad have been
too busy.
I hear its only going to get worse....

Just letting you know that we're still here

Sorry that I have not been
good about Josies updates-
We have been SO SO SO busy!
I promise I will be better soon.

Monday, May 18, 2009

More thoughts from Josie Mae~~

Someone Take Me to The COUNTRY! As everyone can see, I am only a minute a way from walking and my parents have
got me trapped in this dark house while the sun is so bright outside.
Why you ask?? Because we live on Van Buren.
If you don't know what that is;
But I have great news...
They just bought me a house, in north Mamelle ,on almost 2 acres, on top of Panther Mountain,
in a cul-De-sac!!!!!
That's right~
Here is my new home!!

This is my dog Cash.
He and my other dog Roxanne are already planning out our
awesome play area in the backyard.
Me? Personally?
I just like laying under a nice shade tree,
balancing my food on my belly,

and feeling the cool breeze blow through my straw hat.

Or, Of course,

Jumping up and down- screaming to the top of my lungs!

That too, is also very enjoyable to me.

Now what is NOT FUN! is sitting in a hospital bed,

getting stuck with IV's,

screaming to the top of your lungs, (and no one cares)

and not getting to have any real food!
This is what I had to deal with this past month.

I had some virus that we couldn't get rid of. Throwing up for DAYS!

I think my mom threatened all nurses and Doctors of their lives, but I'm better now.

Still don't know what it was that I had.

I still have no teeth, not much hair, and can only crawl backwards.

But i will be walking soon.

I pull up on my crib when i want out, and say momma when I'm really MAD!

So I'm just a growing girl.
Waiting on this silly brother of mine that I get to beat up on.
Until then, Ill be seeing you. Take care! Talk to you soon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sorry it has been SO long!!

The wedding was so perfect. Josie did so well and was so pretty!
She got a little cranky at the end, but thanks to her Susu and her Ganny-
she was well taken care of.
She is sitting up very well now!
Next, mastering walking-
work on those legs of hers!
Josie loves her jumper!

The baby in the oven is a BOY!!
He is 22 weeks along, so over half way.
This pregnancy has been TOTALLY different than the last.
Sometimes I even forget that I am.
I think that he is really going to sneak up on me.
We don't have any names picked out yet.
But were sure excited to meet him!

And- please go and vote for Josie as the cutest baby-


Monday, March 9, 2009

Well.. the weather outside is....WONDERFUL~

How pretty March has been so far!
These are Josie's shades that she feels SO COOL in.
She refuses to smile in them, I guess it ruins her cool-chick image.
"Oh my God Becky, look at her butt."

Josie in her little dress looking oh so pretty!

We have been a big fan of headbands lately.
Lack of hair makes people think your a boy-
even if your wearing bright pink

This is Josie's first ride in a shopping cart. Buying hair products with mom.
Im not sure if she feels to supported,
do you?
In case no one has noticed, we spend the majority of our free time at the skate park.
This is Josie's favorite little guy to see at the park.
Talon is SO SO cute and very good with Josie,
who he calls his "little sister".
Family pic at the park!